- Date: 11/07/2018
The Majestic Uxmal
Uxmal is an ancient Mayan city located to the south of the city of Mérida. Similar to Chichén Itzá and Tikal, Uxmal is considered one of the most important archaeological sites of the Mayan civilization.
Uxmal is part of the “Puuc” corridor and this name defines the architectonic style typical of these pre-Hispanic structures. Their facades were laboriously decorated with thousands of little stones that have been polished in order to form a mosaic of a unique design.
If these are not enough reasons to find spare time during your holidays to visit this wonderful place, here we give you some more information about the three structures that should not be missed. Maybe this will awaken your exploring curiosity and make an expert out of you.
The pyramid of the mystic man (La Pirámide del Adivino)
This awesome structure is 35 metres high and is taller than most trees in this enigmatic Mayan jungle.
What you need to know:
- It is also known as “The sorcerer’s pyramid” or “The pyramid of the Great Chilán”.
- Its name is believed to come from a legend that tells of the pyramid being built in one single night by a mystic dwarf. So the pyramid is also known as “The dwarf’s pyramid”
- The width and angle of each of its steps were designed to ascend and descend sideways, this avoids a subject having to turn his back to the king. Also, the inclination of the pyramid forces the visitor to climb up or down in a bowing position in order to keep enough balance.
- It measures 35m in height and its taller than most trees in the Mayan jungle, can you imagine the view from up there?
The Nunnery
This is an edification formed of four palaces built in different levels. Its name was given by the Franciscan writer and historian Diego López de Cogolludo, who spent a great part of his life in Yucatán, and believed that part of this complex resembled the nuns' living quarters of a convent.
What you need to know
- This edification is formed by four buildings that point to the north, south, west and east. Their facades are decorated with symbolic ornaments dedicated to Mayan deities and represent cosmological and fertility concepts.
- While walking towards the main square, don’t forget to look upwards to the arch at the main entrance where you can spot red hands printed on the wall. They represent the signatures of those who built this amazing city.
- This entire complex functioned as the royal quarters and was used for council meetings with the emperor or king (in this case Chan Chahk’ ahk nalajaw), to dictate court sentences, the collection o ,f tributes and for other administrative duties.
The governor’s palace
This structure is considered one of the most important not only in Uxmal but also in the entire Mayan region. It is even considered the most extraordinary example of the fusion between politics and religion. Because of its unique characteristics, UNESCO has declared this structure a World heritage site.
What you need to know
- The stonework over the facade of this building is so detailed that its style has been compared to that of the “Filigree” (ornamental work of fine wire formed into intricate patterns)
- In Uxmal, specifically in the Governor’s palace, you will find various artistic representations of the planet Venus, which was carefully studied by the Maya as its observation allowed them to predict rain seasons and also droughts
- What gives this building its name is the figure of a ruler sitting down resting in a throne made out of a serpent’s curved body. The figure wears a luxurious feathered headdress which shows a two headed snake.
Are you ready to visit this amazing place and become an expert?
Always remember to bring with you water, some snacks, insect repellent, biodegradable sunblock and also, wear light clothing. Merida Elite offers a Private tour to Uxmal and Chocolate Factory. You can also design your own tour according to the needs of your family or group of companions.